Yeah baby!!! It’s my birthday!!!

by Mikki

My birthday was two days ago.

Look at the picture, does it look like I was having fun?  ‘Cause I did!  Ignore the little munchkins behind me.  They were just being nosey.

My daughter, the baby grands, and my nephew weren’t able to be there.  That really made me sad.

But, all in all….I really enjoyed my birthday.

At 12:00 exactly, my friend my Mississippi called.  I talked to him for a good while.

Then, all hell broke loose at around 8am.  EVERYbody called, texted, sent Facebook birthday wishes and Instagram DMs blew ALL the way up!  If you missed it, don’t worry, I’ll be accepting all gifts and wishes all year!

Y’all really know how to make a girl feel good.  My cheeks hurt from smiling so much!

I didn’t eat all day.  I did that on purpose because I knew we were going to my favorite Mexican restaurant and I was going to kill it!  I mean, we all know calories don’t count on your birthday, right?  Shhhh, let’s just roll with that.  Don’t burst my bubble.

So we get to the restaurant and get seated.  We’re laughing and joking as we normally do.  We’re talking about my sister’s upcoming wedding.

We’re filling up on guacamole, chips, and salsa.  Then the food comes out.  Baaaaaby, when I tell you, there is nothing like Texas Fajitas!  Um, um, um!!  Lawd hammercy!!  If you’ve never had steak, shrimp, and chicken on your fajitas, what are you doing with your life?!! I mean just look at ’em!

Now you know I couldn’t eat it without being topped with mushrooms and cheese.  *drooling*  It’s like I can hear the sizzling all over again.  I mean come on!!!!!  Have you ever?!!  *heart eyes*

Goodness!  Just looking at this picture made me want some more right now!  Don’t go back there right now.  Don’t order them again.  Turn away Mikki.  Turn away!!!  Click off Mik!  Dammit woman, click off dammit!!!!!

*deep breath*

Ok, I’m better now.

Now, what was I saying?  Oh yeah.

So we eat, right?  Needless to say that the chips, guac, and salsa basically filled us up.  So, we get to-go containers and now we’re ready for the cake.

Let me tell you, if you’ve never had the Strawberry Peach Sensation cake from Publix, *wiping drool* something is wrong with you!

I mean…..come on!!  Look at it!!

Ours had the almonds on the side because my sister is allergic to nuts, so this is a photo from the Publix website, but baaaaby…that cake is so good!  It’s a really light cake too.  It’s not dense at all. It has whipped cream frosting, so that’s not heavy either.  I’m not getting paid for this, but if you’re ever in Publix, make sure you get one.  It’s my favorite of all the ones they make.

Alright, I bet you’re tired of me talking about the food. Well, hell, I’m a foodie, what do you expect?  *sticking tongue out*

Ok, so I leave the restaurant and my family right, well, I’m still friends with my ex that just so happens to be my favorite relationship.  On the way home we started talking on the phone.  The next thing I know, it’s 4 and a half hours later and we’re still talking. I’m like, “Boy! Get off’a my phone!” It was too funny. He’s a sweetie pie.  We didn’t really talk about anything particular, just old times, you know….laughing and talking smack to each other.  Of all my past relationships, he really was the best.

Anyway, that was my birthday in a nutshell.  It wan’t anything spectacular to the average person, but for me….it was everything!

I know you’re tired of reading about a bunch of rambling, so I’m gonna stop now. I just had to share my birthday with ya.

I hope your May 24th was a good as mine! Now…..

Love ya! Mean it!



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